Detectors of nonlocal correlations represent devices in which nonlocal reaction of a probe dissipative process on external dissipative process is measured. Nature of the probe process is not of significance and it is important only from viewpoint of efficiency, convenience of screening from the local disturbances and uniqueness of interpretation. The last one bound up with that detector has to react on the entropy change of the probe process, but some related with it observable is directly measured. This relation, therefore, has to be simple function. Screening from disturbances is removal the all, know from the theory of given detector, local influences on the probe process, e.g. changes of the temperature, pressure, etc. In the modern experiments the detectors based on the processes of variations of self-potentials of weakly-polarised electrodes in the electrolyte, dark emission of the photocathode and high-frequency fluctuations of ions mobility in the electrolyte are used.
