Огоновский П. (P. Ogonowski)
Билиотека электронных публикаций
Geroch decomposition implications for quantum gravity
(PDF-file, 286 Kb) [distributed 05.10.2013]
Gravity as field in Planck limit
(PDF-file, 160 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
Time Dilation as Field
(PDF-file, 230 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
Российский Междисциплинарный Семинар по Темпорологии
Доклад «
Time flow in minkowski metric and its relations to general relativity theory. time phenomena explanation that open the doors to effective quantum gravity theory
Май 2013
- "Time dilation as field". Личный сайт P. Ogonowski.