Фолькамер К. (K. Volkamer)
- Библиотека электронных публикаций
- Detection of Dark-Matter-Radiation of Stars During Visible Sun Eclipses // Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 124: 117-127 (PDF-file, 166 kb) [distributed 15.02.2010]
- Gravitational Spacecraft Anomalies as well as the at Present Relatively large Uncertainty of Newton’s Gravity Constant are Explained on the Basis of Force-Effects Due to a so-far Unknown Form of Space-like Matter // Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe. Proceedings of the 8th UCLA Symposium, Marina del Ray, California, 20-22 February, 2008 (Melville, New York, 2009), 197-202 (PDF-file, 220 kb) [distributed 26.04.2010]
- Klaus Volkamer & Christoph Streicher (1998). Consequences of recently detected cold dark matter on planetary, solar, galactic, and cosmological levels // D.B. Cline (Ed.) Sources and Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe. Workshop on Primordial black Holes and Hawking radiation and 3rd International Symposium on sources and detection of dark matter in the Universe, 17-20 February, 1998, Marina del Ray, California, (Elsevier), 375-377 (PDF-file, 81,4 kb) [distributed 26.04.2010]
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