Quantum uncertainty not all in the measurement
A common interpretation of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is proven false.
Geoff Brumfiel 11 September 2012
The uncertainty principle limits what we can know about a quantum
system, and that fuzziness is not entirely caused by the act of
Contrary to what many students are taught, quantum uncertainty may not
always be in the eye of the beholder. A new experiment shows that
measuring a quantum system does not necessarily introduce uncertainty.
The study overthrows a common classroom explanation of why the quantum
world appears so fuzzy, but the fundamental limit to what is knowable
at the smallest scales remains unchanged.
At the foundation of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle. Simply put, the principle states that there is a
fundamental limit to what one can know about a quantum system. For
example, the more precisely one knows a particle's position, the less
one can know about its momentum, and vice versa. The limit is
expressed as a simple equation that is straightforward to prove
Heisenberg sometimes explained the uncertainty principle as a problem
of making measurements. His most well-known thought experiment
involved photographing an electron. To take the picture, a scientist
might bounce a light particle off the electron's surface. That would
reveal its position, but it would also impart energy to the electron,
causing it to move. Learning about the electron's position would
create uncertainty in its velocity; and the act of measurement would
produce the uncertainty needed to satisfy the principle.
Physics students are still taught this measurement-disturbance version
of the uncertainty principle in introductory classes, but it turns out
that it's not always true. Aephraim Steinberg of the University of
Toronto in Canada and his team have performed measurements on photons
(particles of light) and showed that the act of measuring can
introduce less uncertainty than is required by Heisenberg’s
principle1. The total uncertainty of what can be known about the
photon's properties, however, remains above Heisenberg's limit.
Delicate measurement
Steinberg's group does not measure position and momentum, but rather
two different inter-related properties of a photon: its polarization
states. In this case, the polarization along one plane is
intrinsically tied to the polarization along the other, and by
Heisenberg’s principle, there is a limit to the certainty with which
both states can be known.
The researchers made a ‘weak’ measurement of the photon’s polarization
in one plane — not enough to disturb it, but enough to produce a rough
sense of its orientation. Next, they measured the polarization in the
second plane. Then they made an exact, or 'strong', measurement of the
first polarization to see whether it had been disturbed by the second
When the researchers did the experiment multiple times, they found
that measurement of one polarization did not always disturb the other
state as much as the uncertainty principle predicted. In the strongest
case, the induced fuzziness was as little as half of what would be
predicted by the uncertainty principle.
Don't get too excited: the uncertainty principle still stands, says
Steinberg: “In the end, there's no way you can know [both quantum
states] accurately at the same time.” But the experiment shows that
the act of measurement isn't always what causes the uncertainty. “If
there's already a lot of uncertainty in the system, then there doesn't
need to be any noise from the measurement at all,” he says.
The latest experiment is the second to make a measurement below the
uncertainty noise limit. Earlier this year, Yuji Hasegawa, a physicist
at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria, measured groups of
neutron spins and derived results well below what would be predicted
if measurements were inserting all the uncertainty into the system2.
But the latest results are the clearest example yet of why
Heisenberg’s explanation was incorrect. "This is the most direct
experimental test of the Heisenberg measurement-disturbance
uncertainty principle," says Howard Wiseman, a theoretical physicist
at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia "Hopefully it will be
useful for educating textbook writers so they know that the naive
measurement-disturbance relation is wrong."
Shaking the old measurement-uncertainty explanation may be difficult,
however. Even after doing the experiment, Steinberg still included a
question about how measurements create uncertainty on a recent
homework assignment for his students. "Only as I was grading it did I
realize that my homework assignment was wrong," he says. "Now I have
to be more careful."
Journal name:
1.Rozema, L. A. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 100404 (2012).
ArticleShow context
2.Erhart, J. et al. Nature Phys. 8, 185–189 (2012).