Institute for Time
Nature Explorations

Unfortunately, the English version of our site is much less developed than the Russian version. On the pages of the Russian version you will be able to use the automatic translation function of each page in the language that interests you

The Founders and the Council of the Institute cordially thank the Centre for Telecommunications and Internet Technologies of the MSU for support in hosting this site.

Because of reconstruction of the site most of the materials placed before
are available meanwhile in the old version of the site only.

Последнее обновление -
09 June 2024
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Copyright © 2024 Institute for Time Nature Explorations. All Rights Reserved.
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 Leonardo da Vinci, Old Man Seated and Swirling Water, 1513, Royal Library, Windsor The founder of the institute and seminar A.P. Levich

The Institute for Time Nature Explorations web site is established by the Russian Interdisciplinary Temporology Seminar, which has been operating at M. V. Lomonosov's Moscow State University since 1984. The creation and continued maintenance of the institute were and are made possible through the support of the Russian Fund of Basic Research, grant No. 00-07-90211.

If you are interested in knowing more about the purpose and relevance of our Institute, please see On the Institute and the Status of the Institute.

The research and educational work is conducted at the Institute by Laboratory-Chairs. The contact coordinates of the directors can be found on the respective pages of each laboratory-chair.

The founders of this web site will be grateful for:

  • notification of any errors on these web pages, as well as ideas on how further to improve the web site;
  • information concerning any publications on the problems of time, that we might incorporate into the institute library;
  • electronic versions of your publications related to the problems of time and the Universe to be contributed to the Institute library;
  • references and sources in the internet concerned with the studies of time (site URLs, electronic publications, conferences, personal homepages, etc.);
  • quotes, reflections, aphorisms, maxims, and "wise insight" generally relating to the nature of time from scientists and philosophers.

You are also invited to join in a co-operative venture to

  • create an encyclopaedic dictionary on temporology;
  • create a biographic reference of the researchers of time;
  • help resolve legal problems concerning the functioning of internet based organizations;
  • create an electronic library of works about time;
  • create a temporological database;
  • contribute to the artistic comprehension of the problems of time (drawing, painting, photography, poetry, etc.).

Welcome to the Institute for Time Nature Explorations!

Please direct further inquiries about the Institute to Alexander P. Levich :

007 (495) 939-5560

Russia, 119991, Moscow, Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Division of General Ecology.

