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28 July 2024
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Тематические публикации. 20.12.2024 г.
Зерчанинова И.Л. (Zerchaninova I.L.)
[distributed 20.12.2024]
Korotaev S.M.
Serdyuk V.O.
Popova I.V.
Gorohov Yu.V.
Kiktenko E.O.
Orekhova D.A.
Experiment on long-term forecasting of geomagnetic activity based on nonlocal correlations
// Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2024. V. 64. No 1. P. 120-127.
[distributed 09.04.2024]
Sapunov V.B.
Criteria of ecological pressure on agricultural systems
// 11 p.
[distributed 03.12.2023]
Nenashev A.
// 2nd ed., 2023. 103 p. URL: nashev.net
[размещено на сайте 26.06.2023]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Coulomb Force from Non-Local Self-Assembly of Multi-Peak Densities in a Charged Space Continuum
// Particles, 2023. 6(1): 136-143. doi: 10.3390/particles6010007
[distributed 23.01.2023]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Significance of gyropotentials in metric theory of inertia
// 2022. 12 с. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.13129
[distributed 27.12.2022]
Pakulin V.N.
Why time slows down
// St. Petersburg.13 p.
[distributed 17.12.2022]
XXIII International Scientific Conference "Physical Interpretations of the Relativity Theory". PIRT-2023. 03-06.07.2023 (Bauman University, Moscow)
[distributed 12.12.2022]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Pure field electrodynamics of continuous complex charges. Tutorial for the 4th year course "Nonlinear Electrodynamics"
// M.: MIPT. 2015. 77 p.
[размещено на сайте 23.10.2022]
Korotaev S.M.
Budnev N.M.
Serdyuk V.O.
Kiktenko E.O.
Orekhova D.A.
Gorohov Yu.V.
Macroscopic nonlocal correlations by new data of the Baikal Experiment
// Journal of Physics Conf. Ser. 2022. V. 2197. P. 012019. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2197/1/012019
[distributed 06.09.2022]
Šorli A.
Celan S., Jafari S., Fiscaletti D., Bahroz Brzo A.
Eternal universe in dynamic equilibrium
// Physics Essays. 2022. 35(1):15-24 doi: 10.4006/0836-1398-35.1.15
[distributed 28.01.2022]
Scientific program ХХII International Meeting Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory (PIRT- 2021). 05-09 July 2021
[distributed 29.06.2021]
5th Time Perspective conference (in English). Deadline - May 14, 2021
[distributed 11.05.2021]
D’Abramo G.
On apparent faster-than-light behavior of moving electric fields
// Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 2021. 136: 301. doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01283-5
[distributed 08.03.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Vertexes in kinetic space-matter with local stresses instead of localized particles with distant gravitation
// Preprints. 2021. 2021020477. 27 p. doi: 10.20944/preprints202102.0477.v1
[distributed 24.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Relativistic Tests do not Falsify Euclidean 3-Geometry of Continuous Space-matter
// India, UK: Book Publisher International. 2021. 34 p.
[размещено на сайте 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
"Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Part 3. Entropy effects in multiphase systems. Phase diagrams and eutectics melting mechanism
// J. Atomic Strategy. 2016. (111): 28-33.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
"Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Part 2. Entropy effects in real systems
// J. Atomic Strategy. 2016. (110): 14-19.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
"Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Part 1. The discrepancy of traditional and classical approaches to the second law of thermodynamics and phase equilibrium. Solid and liquid solutions
// J. Atomic Strategy. 2015. (109): 17-23.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
"Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Introduction
// 2015. 9 p.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
Energy Nature of Configurational (mixing) Entropy, its Interconnection with Matter and Physical Vacuum and the Possibility of Generation of entropy and Anti-entropy flows
// LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2015. 51 р.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
Brief review on alternative physics (An alternative opinion on physics)
// J. Atomic Strategy. 2014. (96): 3-7.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Savchenko A.M.
Disputable issue of matter and antimatter symmetry
// J. Atomic Strategy. 2016. (117): 3-9.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Blinov S.V.
Verification of the Rigidity of the Coulomb Field in Motion
// Russian Physics Journal. 2018. 61(2): 321-329. doi: 10.1007/s11182-018-1403-9
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Cartesian material space with active-passive densities of complex charges and Yin-Yang compensation of energy integrals
// Galaxies. 2018. 6(2): 60. doi: 10.3390/galaxies6020060
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Gravitational attraction until relativistic equipartition of internal and translational kinetic energies
// Astrophysics and Space Science. 2018. 363(2): 1-7. doi: 10.1007/s10509-018-3257-6
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Modified Einstein and Navier–Stokes Equations
// Russian Physics Journal. 2018. 61(1): 68-75. doi: 10.1007/s11182-018-1369-7
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Gravity until equipartition of relativistic kinetic energies
// EPJ Web of Conferences. 2018. 182: 03001. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201818203001
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Modified Naiver-Stokes equation for conceptual tests of pure field physics
// EPJ Web of Conferences. 2018. 182: 02022. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201818202022
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Densities of Complex Charges Unify Particles with Fields and Gravity with Electricity
// Bulletin Lebedev Physics Inst. 2016. 43: 138.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Densities of Electron's Continuum in Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields
// Bulletin Lebedev Physics Inst. 2014. 41: 1-5.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Thermal Energy of Confined Gravitons can Vary Cold Geodesic Curves
// Journal of Physical Science and Application. 2014. 4(7): 468-474.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
From Steady 4D Quantization of Valence Electrons to Material Space Paradigm
// Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 2013. 7(4). 370-373.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Tesla energy space for Mie–Schwinger continuous electron
// Vestnik RUDN, Mathematics, Informatics, and Physics. 2013. (1): 202.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Geometrization of radial particles in non-empty space complies with tests of General Relativity
// Journal of Modern Physics. 2012. 3(10): 1465. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2012.310181
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Ricci curvatures describe both field and particle densities
// International Scientific Journal. 2011. 11: 23-26.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Superfluid Mass-Energy Densities of Nonlocal Particle and Gravitational Field
// Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism. 2009. 22(8): 723.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Relativistic Quantization of Cooper Pairs and Distributed Electrons in Rotating Superconductors
// Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism. 2009. 22(7): 627-629.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Einstein's Gravitation for Machian Relativism of Nonlocal Energy-Charges
// Int. Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2008. 47: 1261-1269. doi: 10.1007/s10773-007-9559-z
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Lamarche G.
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Wang P.
Quintero M.
Lamarche A.M.
Low-field negative magnetization and coercive-field magnetization reversal in transition metal chalcogenides; Cr2FeSe4 magnetic structure from neutron diffraction
// Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2008. 69(4): 884-890. doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2007.10.012
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Einstein metric formalism without Schwarzschild singularities
// 2006. arXiv preprint math-ph/0603039.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Lamarche A.M.
Lamarche G.
Low-field memory and negative magnetization in semiconductors and polymers
// Physical Review B. 2005. 72(15): 155203. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.155203
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
How to test vector nature of gravity
// 2000. arXiv preprint gr-qc/0001071.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
About the nonlocal particle-field matter
// 1998. arXiv preprint physics/9811055.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Gravitational light bending in Euclidean space
// 1998. arXiv preprint gr-qc/9805025.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Double unification, time compression, and space flatness for the extended particle
// 1997. arXiv preprint gr-qc/9708004.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Thermoelectric flux in superconducting hollow cylinders
// Physical Review B. 1995. 51(2): 1137. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.51.1137
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Electrodynamics of superconducting and normal accelerated media
// Physics Letters A. 1994. 185(2): 155-168. doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(94)90840-0
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Normal current, heat and entropy in superconductors
// Solid state communications. 1993. 88(1): 71-74. doi: 10.1016/0038-1098(93)90772-F
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Dispersion of transverse sound in the model of layered high-Tc superconductors
// Solid state communications. 1993. 85(6): 513-518. doi: 10.1016/0038-1098(93)90010-K
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
To a gauge invariant model of superconductors
// Physics Letters A. 1992. 171(3-4): 220-222. doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(92)90430-T
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Covariant equations for superconductors
// Physics Letters A. 1991. 158(9): 483-485. doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(91)90465-K
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
Induced emission of electromagnetic waves from Josephson media
// Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics. 1984. 14(2): 229-232.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
lvlev B.I.
Non-equilibrium phenomena in junctions of superconductors
// Sov. Phys. - JETP. 1978. 47(1): 115-120.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
lvlev B.I.
Non-linearity of acoustic damping in non-equilibrium superconductors
// Sov. Phys. - JETP. 1976. 43(4): 731-734.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Bulyzhenkov I.E.
lvlev B.I.
The sound velocity in superconductors
// Sov. Phys. - JETP. 1976. 44(3): 613-617.
[distributed 17.02.2021]
Gravity Research Foundation 2021. Awards for Essays on Gravitation
[distributed 21.01.2021]
Информация о книге:
Yefremov A.P.
The General Theory of Particle Mechanics. A Special Course
// Cambridge Scholars, UK, 2019. 295 p. [размещено на сайте 01.12.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
A space experiment aimed to check the Einstien’s gravity
// 2020. 1 p.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
General relativistic impact on the precision of BepiColombo gravity-assists
// Acta Astronautica. 2020. 168: 44-56. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.11.024
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
An experiment to check the law of gravity in the solar system
// Metaphysica. 2020. 7 p.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Sensitivity of the Gravity Assist to Variations of the Impact Parameter
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. 26(2): 118-123. doi: 10.1134/S0202289320020127
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
The Fractal Structure of Space Entails Origin of Pauli's Equation
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019. 25(4): 305-309. doi: 10.1134/S0202289319040157
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Schwarzschild–Kerr gravitational deflection of potentially hazardous space objects from their classical orbits
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018. 24(2): 113-117. doi: 10.1134/S0202289318020159
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quasi-elliptic trajectories in the gravitational field of a rotating star
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2017. 23(4): 294-299. doi: 10.1134/S0202289317040211
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Fractal Pyramid: A New Math Tool to Reorient and Accelerate a Spacecraft
// In Space Flight. IntechOpen. 2017. 35-58. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.71751
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
New fractal math tool providing simultaneous reorientation and acceleration of spacecraft
// Acta Astronautica. 2017. 139: 481-485. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2017.07.040
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Alternative interpretation of the 1D-box solution and the Bargmann theorem
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016. 22(4): 312-315. doi: 10.1134/S0202289316040174
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Virtual ring and quantum elements of a classical particle
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016. 22(3): 225-229. doi: 10.1134/S0202289316030129
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Theory of relativity in quaternion spinors
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016. 22(2): 97-106. doi: 10.1134/S0202289316020171
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quaternion frames and fractal surface as tools to control orientation of a spacecraft
// Acta Astronautica. 2016. 129: 174-178. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2016.09.007
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quantum spindle: Bargman-type theorem and exact solution of Bohm equations
// 2015. 8 p.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
“General Theory of Particle Mechanics” arising from a fractal surface
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2015. 21(1): 19-27. doi: 10.1134/S0202289315010144
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Physical theories in hypercomplex geometric description
// International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 2014. 11(06): 1450062. doi: 10.1142/S0219887814500625
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Structured relativistic particle, helix-type Minkowski diagram, and “more general” relativity
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2014. 20(3): 226-232. doi: 10.1134/S0202289314030165
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Bohr-Schrödinger “Hydrogen Truce”
// Quantum matter. 2014. 3(6): 510-514. doi: 10.1166/qm.2014.1155
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Bohr’s model of H-atom is a solution of Schrödinger’s equation
// 2013. 9 p.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Pre-geometric structure of quantum and classical particles in terms of quaternion spinors
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2013. 19(2): 71-78. doi: 10.1134/S0202289313020047
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
The Schrödinger equation as a consequence of the quaternion algebra stability
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2012. 18(4): 239-241. doi: 10.1134/S0202289312040093
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Fundamental properties of quaternion spinors
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2012. 18(3): 188-195. doi: 10.1134/S0202289312030103
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Splitting of 3D Quaternion Dimensions into 2D-Sells and a "World Screen Technology"
// Advanced Science Letters. 2012. 5(1): 288-293. doi: 10.1166/asl.2012.1943
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Relativistic danger for spacecraft from fast satellites of the solar-system planets
// In 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology. IEEE. 2011. 6487-6490. doi: 10.1109/ICMT.2011.6002481
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Relativistic Warning to Space Missions Aimed to Reach Phobos
// International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2011. 1(4): 200-203. doi: 10.4236/ijaa.2011.14025
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
The conic-gearing image of a complex number and a spinor-born surface geometry
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2011. 17(1): 1-6. doi: 10.1134/S0202289311010221
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Orthogonal representation of complex numbers
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2010. 16(2): 137-139. doi: 10.1134/S0202289310020064
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Solutions of dynamic equations in quaternion model of relativity
// Advanced Science Letters. 2010. 3(2): 236-240. doi: 10.1166/asl.2010.1108
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Structure of hypercomplex units and exotic numbers as sections of bi-quaternions
// Advanced Science Letters. 2010. 3(4): 537-542. doi: 10.1166/asl.2010.1135
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Gravitational contributions to pioneer space probe decelerations and the time-delay-doppler “Relativistic Confusion”
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2009. 15(2): 121-128. doi: 10.1134/S0202289309020030
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Newton-type dynamics in quaternion model of relativity
// Advanced Science Letters. 2009. 2(1): 81-85. doi: 10.1166/asl.2009.1014
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quaternion model of relativity: Solutions for non-inertial motions and new effects
// Advanced Science Letters. 2008. 1(2): 179-186. doi: 10.1166/asl.2008.018
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Smarandachey F., Christiantoz V.
Yang-Mills field from quaternion space geometry, and its Klein-Gordon representation
// Hadron models and related New Energy issues. 2007. 42-50.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Notes on Pioneer Anomaly Explanation by Sattellite-Shift Formula of Quaternion Relativity: Remarks on'Less Mundane Explanation of Pioneer Anomaly from Q-Relativity'
// Progress in Physics. 2007. 2: 93-96.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Relativistic oscillator in quaternion relativity
// Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry. 2007. 18 p.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Bi-quaternion square roots, rotational relativity, and dual space-time intervals
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2007. 13(3): 178-184.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
New effects of non-inertial motion in vector-quaternion version of relativity
// Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory. Moscow: BMSTU. 2007. 130-139.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quaternions and biquaternions: Algebra, geometry and physical theories
// arXiv preprint math-ph/0501055. 2005. 17 p.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Vector quaternionic spaces: Geometry and classification
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2003. 9(4): 319-324.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Tangent Quaternionic Space
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 2001. 7(4): 273-275.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Six Dimensional “Rotational Relativity”
// APH NS. Heavy Ion Physics. 2000. 11: 147-153.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
On Twin Paradox In Quaternionic Relativity
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 1997. 3(3): 200-202.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quaternionic relativity. II. Non-inertial motions.
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 1996. 2(4): 335-341.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quaternionic relativity. I. Inertial motion
// Gravitation and Cosmology. 1996. 2(1): 77-83.
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
The Q field, a variable quaternion basis
// Soviet Physics Journal. 1985. 28(12): 961-964. doi: 10.1007/BF00899083
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Yefremov A.P.
Quaternionic multiplication rule as a local Q-metric
// Lett. Nuovo Cim. 1983. 37(8): 315-316. doi: 10.1007/BF02818248
[distributed 29.11.2020]
Zerchaninova I.
Metareality in nature photography
// Categories:
Hall of the Arts
[distributed 26.08.2020]
Urusovskii I.A.
Electron Trembling as a Result of Its Stationary Motion in an Extra Space along Helical Line of the Compton Radius with the Speed of Light (“Zitterbewegung’’ in Multidimensional Space)
// Physical Science International Journal. 2020. 24(4): 48-52; Article no.PSIJ.56972
[distributed 27.06.2020]
Budnev N.M.
Orekhova D.A.
Macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time by data of the Baikal Experiment
// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. V. 1557. P. 012026.
[distributed 26.06.2020]
Korotaev S.M.
Gorohov Yu.V.
Serdyuk V.O.
Novysh A.V.
Response of macroscopic nonlocal correlation detector to a phase transition
// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019. V. 1348. P. 012041.
[distributed 26.06.2020]
Deutsch David
Quantum mechanics near closed timelike lines
// Хронос и Темпус (Природное и социальное время: философский, теоретический и практический аспекты): сб. научн. тр. / Под ред. В.С. Чуракова. (серия "Библиотека времени". Вып.6). Новочеркасск: Изд-во "НОК", 2009. С. 187-240.
[distributed 02.01.2020]
Ol’khov O.A.
Geometrical Meaning of Time and the Theory of Relativity
// Journal of High Energy Physics , Gravitation and Cosmology, 6, 1-8.
[distributed 21.11.2019]
Программа работы Семинара в текущем семестре
Gribov Y.
Periodic waveguided multiverse as a source of dark matter and dark energy
// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1147. 2019. 012083.
[distributed 17.09.2019]
Gribov Y.
Trigger S.A.
Jeans instability and antiscreening in the system of matter–antimatter with antigravitation
// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 653. 2015. 012121.
[distributed 28.05.2019]
Gribov Y.
A new simple method for generation and detection of elementary DM particles via collisions between elementary antiparticles (positrons-positrons), (antiprotons-antiprotons), (positrons-antiprotons) in colliders
// http://vixra.org. 2015. 8 p.
[distributed 28.05.2019]
Gribov Y.
From the waveguided gravity to the periodic waveguided Multiverse as united solution of dark energy & dark matter & SUSY – mysteries
// http://vixra.org, 2013. 91 p.
[distributed 28.05.2019]
Budnev N.M.
Serdyuk V.O.
Korotaev S.M.
Advanced response of the Baikal macroscopic nonlocal correlation detector to the heliogeophysical processes
// Unified Field Mechanics II: Formulations and Empirical Tests. World Scientific. 2018. P. 375-380.
[distributed 26.04.2019]
Gorohov Yu.V.
Kiktenko E.O.
Serdyuk V.O.
Budnev N.M.
Korotaev S.M.
Zurbanov V.
Macroscopic entanglement and time reversal causality by data of the Baikal experiment
// Journal of Physics: Conference series. 2018. V. 1051. P. 012019.
[distributed 26.04.2019]
Serdyuk V.O.
Budnev N.M.
Korotaev S.M.
Advanced response of the Baikal macroscopic nonlocal correlation detector to solar activity
// Journal of Physics: Conference series. 2017. V. 918. P. 012003.
[distributed 26.04.2019]
Gorohov Yu.V.
Budnev N.M.
Kiktenko E.O.
Serdyuk V.O.
Korotaev S.M.
Results of the Baikal experiment of observations of macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time
// Unified Field Mechanics. London: World Scientific. 2015. P. 366-373.
[distributed 26.04.2019]
Милушев М.С. (Milushev M.S.)
The dreamlikeness
|| Категории:
Милушев М.С. (Milushev M.S.)
World = Time
|| Категории:
Levin E.
Time, Elements and the Phoenix Hour in Lives and Poetry of Nobel Laureates and their Celestial Twins
// Наука, технологии, общество и Международное Нобелевское движение: Материалы Нобелевского конгресса – 11 Международной встречи-конференции лауреатов Нобелевских премий и нобелистов, 24-28 окт. 2017 г., г. Тамбов (Россия) / под ред. проф. В.М.Тютюнника
[distributed 17.01.2018]
Zinaliyev M.T.
To solving the paleontological paradox
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[distributed 23.12.2017]
Zinaliyev M.T.
On the way to a Standard Model of Time
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Differences between measuring durations in the laboratory experiments and time measurements in the life- sciences and humanities
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Matter as a Flow of Random Elementary Events in the Context of Discrete Time
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Algebrodynamical approach in field theory: bisingular solution and its modifications
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Kassandrov V.V.
Dimerous electron and quantum interference beyond the probability amplitude paradigm
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Kassandrov V.V.
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Algebrodynamics in complex space-time and the complex-quaternionic origin of Minkowski geometry
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Kassandrov V.V.
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Algebraic dynamics on a single worldline: Vieta formulas and conservation laws
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Kassandrov V.V.
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// Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2015, V.48, 395204.
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Kassandrov V.V.
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Kassandrov V.V.
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Kassandrov V.V.
Rizcallah J.A.
Maxwell, Yang-Mills, Weyl and eikonal fields defined by any null shear-free congruence
// International Journal of Geometrical Methods in Modern Physics, 2017, V.14, 1750031.
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Kassandrov V.V.
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// Gravitation and Cosmology, 2016, V.22, No.4, pp. 363-367.
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Kassandrov V.V.
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Kassandrov V.V.
Algebrodynamics over complex space and phase extension of the Minkowski geometry
// Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2009. V. 72, No.5 pp. 813-827.
[distributed 04.03.2017]
Kassandrov V.V.
The algebrodynamics: primodial light, particles-caustics and the flow of time
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Kassandrov V.V.
Quaternionic analysis and algebrodynamics
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Kudryavtsev Yu.S.
On attempt of joint application of the Physical Fields Conception and the Conception of Direct Interparticle Interaction
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Kudryavtsev Yu.S.
The Quantum Challenge from the viewpoint of Einstein’s realism
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[distributed 24.11.2016]
Kudryavtsev Yu.S.
Paradoxes of Quantum theory in light of the theory of Relativity
// Scientific articles collection of the 19th International Scientific Conference of Eurasian Scientific Association (Moscow, July 2016). - Moscow : ESA, 2016. - p. 1-3.
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Козырев Ф.Н.
Das Leben von Nikolai Kozyrev
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Козырев Ф.Н.
Theory & experiments by Nicolai Kozyrev about the nature of time
// Kozyrev Symposium. Frankfurt. 6 June 2015. ||
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Nikolenko A.D.
Physics Essays: The Non-Relativistic Paradox of Physical Clock
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The concept of "Oriented Time - the key for understanding of the Uneverse structure
[distributed 28.08.2014]
Urusovskii I.A.
Multidimensional Treatment of the Expanding Universe
[distributed 17.08.2014]
Shulikovskaya V.V.
The Phantom of Consciousness
[distributed 17.06.2014]
Shulikovskaya V.V.
From Homo sapiens faber to Homo in tempore
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Milushev M.S.
World = Time. Short content
[distributed 09.04.2014]
Aristov V.V.
On the relational statistical space-time concept
[distributed 09.04.2014]
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On the relational statistical space-time concept
[distributed 09.04.2014]
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In their time: the riddle behind the epistolary friendship between Ernest Hemingway and Ivan Kashkin
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Urusovskii I.A.
Lorentz Transform in Multi-Dimensional Space
// Journal of Modern Physics , 2012, 3, 1749-1756
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