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Metareality in nature photography
Искусство: Zerchaninova I. Metareality in nature photography [distributed 26.08.2020]

Here metareality is considered as reality, one way or another consisting of different realities, which can manifest itself at some unified (generalised, “glued”, aggregated, compressed, etc.) level or meta-level. An example is augmented reality or mixed reality outside of a digital context. More details in other sections of the site.

The photographs presented figuratively illustrate the idea of metareality. At the same time, these photos are non-standard, part of them were successfully exhibited at the National Geographic Russia photo hosting and/or other well-known photo sites.

The photos were prepared for viewing on monitors such as "professional color". For viewing on conventional monitors, it is recommended to select a mode with a resolution of 1024:768 (if supported by the monitor) and the highest color rendering quality, indicate the "true size" without stretching or reducing the photos (check the scale in the screen and browser settings of your computer), and use average brightness and contrast values.

See photos and the author's brief comments below.

(C) Irina L. Zerchaninova, 2008-2020
