Time, Life, and Civilization
This book considers the fundamental scientific and philosophical problems of the origins of life, consciousness, language, and civilization. It is a continuation of “Physics and Logic of Life,” published by Nova Science Publishers in 2012. Whereas the previous book discussed fundamental aspects of biology, the current volume aims to analyze connections between the biological and the societal worlds, and to clarify basic principles of the genesis of social structures. The physical basis and logic of life are discussed briefly in the first two chapters; then the discussion turns to the fundamental structures that ultimately determine the nature of cognition-based societies. The emergence of life initiates a creative process that exceeds the limits of computability.
Biological evolution occurs as an unfolding of functional constraints in which dynamic parameters, possessing criteria of perfection and having selective values, are established. The genetic system arises as a semiotic structure with a high combinatorial capacity for expansion and generation of new meanings in the course of individual development and evolutionary modification. Human language is a second natural semiotic system by which fundamental knowledge of the world is expressed, and which provides powerful means for its description and assimilation. The evolution of societies is a further expansion of language systems based on implementation of the structures of human self-reflection.
These basic structures include the possibility of perceiving a world external to the Self and acting within it. The signification of conceptual entities is the starting point in the development of civilizations, and concrete patterns of signification determine features specific to particular human cultures. The evolutionary growth of information occurs via the open process of language games, in which interacting statements about the world determine continued increase of complexity. The universal language of music and its future role in global communication are discussed. This book is intended for theoretical biologists, sociologists, psychologists, specialists in semiotics and philosophers.
Chapter 1 - Living Systems As Causally Closed Semiotic Structures (pp. 1-18)
Chapter 2 - Morphogenesis and Evolution at Macroscopic Scales (pp. 19-46)
Chapter 3 - Organizational Invariance of Psyche and Semiotic Origins of Sociogenesis (pp. 47-74)
Chapter 4 - Second Natural Digital System – Human Language (pp. 75-90)
Chapter 5 - Human-Constrained Geographical Evolution of Plants and the Origin of Agriculture (pp. 91-104)
Chapter 6 - Evolution of Human Civilization Towards Globalization (pp. 105-136)
Chapter 7 - Cosmos and the Growth of Civilizations (pp. 137-166)
Chapter 8 - Epilogue. Semiosis of Creation: The Fugal Wisdom As Anticipation of the Third Recursive Digital System (pp. 167-184)
Addendum 1. Metaphysics of Game and Meta-Game (Gogol’s “Gamblers”) (pp. 185-188)
Addendum 2. Mussorgsky and His Creative Analysis of Social Instability (pp. 189-190)
"No doubt, the issue of time and life has a deep implication for both where we came from and where we may be going to go. The author Igamberdiev picks up the agenda of incompleteness as a connecting thread for addressing the whole panorama covering even the fate of our civilization. From the physical point of view, our attention to incompleteness starts with calling attention to the precondition of evolution via the uncertainty of quantum measurement, that is effectively crystalized in the author’s internal quantum state recognizing that the incompleteness of embedded set of symbols is the formal cause of evolution. This perspective is mathematically equivalent to continuous proof of Gödel’s theorem of incompleteness as generating mathematical statements carrying arbitrary Gödel numbers. The attempted exercise comes to eventually culminate in the vindication of Charles Peirce’s fallibilism. One remarkable and also rare message discernible from the author’s attempt is how we can live with fallibilism in a positive and productive sense."
Koichiro Matsuno, Professor, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
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