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Virtual ring and quantum elements of a classical particle
Ефремов А.П. (Yefremov A.P.) Virtual ring and quantum elements of a classical particle // Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016. 22(3): 225-229. doi: 10.1134/S0202289316030129

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Virtual ring and quantum elements of a classical particle
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The fractal equations of mechanics (quantum and classical) are clearly demonstrated to be definitions of an arbitrary potential on a fractal complex number valued surface. The developed approach helps us to show that a translational motion of any rotating compact object (point-like particle) can be equivalently represented by a specific rotation of a virtual ring described in terms of a fractal “wave function”, the model endowing the particle with a set of quantum characteristics including quantization of the ring’s space translation.

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