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Jeans instability and antiscreening in the system of matter–antimatter with antigravitation
Грибов Ю.А. (Gribov Y.A.) Trigger S.A. Jeans instability and antiscreening in the system of matter–antimatter with antigravitation // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 653. 2015. 012121.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель, Время в математике, Математика

Jeans instability and antiscreening in the system of matter–antimatter with antigravitation
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The hypothesis of antigravitational interaction of elementary particles and antiparticles is applied to the simple two-component hydrodynamic model Λ-CDM (Lambda cold–dark matter) with gravitational repulsion and attraction. An increase in the Jeans instability rate, the presence of antiscreening, and the dominant role of the gravitational repulsion as a possible mechanism of spatial separation of matter and antimatter in the Universe are shown, as well as the observable acceleration of far galaxies. The sound wave is found for the two-component gravitational–antigravitational system. The suggested approach permits to reestablish the idea about baryon symmetry of the Universe, causing its steady large-scale flatness and accelerated Universe expansion.

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