Main publications. Abstracts and contents of the monographs
- Buimistrov V.M., Oleinik V.P. Two-Photon Light Absorption by the Conduction Electrons in a Semiconductor. Proceedings of the 2nd All-Union Symposium on Nonlinear Optics (Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1968), p.107-112.
- Buimistrov V.M., Oleinik V.P. Many-Photon Light Absorption by the Current Carriers in a Semiconductor. Physics and Technologies of Semiconductors, 1, 85-97 (1967).
- Oleinik V.P. Resonant Effects in the Field of Intense Laser Beam, I. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 52, 1049-1067 (1967).
- Oleinik V.P. Resonant Effects in the Field of Intense Laser Beam, II. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 53, 1997-2011 (1967).
- Oleinik V.P. Green Function and Quasi-Energy Spectrum of Electron in the Field of Electromagnetic Wave and Homogeneous Magnetic Field. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 13, 1205-1214 (1968).
- Oleinik V.P. Entrainment of Electrons with Electromagnetic Wave in Homogeneous Magnetic Field. Letters in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 9, 530-533 (1969).
- Oleinik V.P. Electron-Positron Pair Creation by Photon in the Field of Electromagnetic Wave and in Homogeneous Magnetic Field. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 61, 27-44, (1971).
- Oleinik V.P. Dynamics of the Dirac Electron in Electromagnetic and Homogeneous Magnetic Fields. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 17, 990-1000 (1972).
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. Electron in the Field of Quantized Electromagnetic Wave and in Homogeneous Magnetic Field. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 12, 78-87 (1972).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Vacuum State of a Relativistic System Interacting with an External Field. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 18, 105-117 (1973).
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. On Electron Scattering in Electromagnetic and Homogeneous Magnetic Fields. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 64, 1549-1554 (1073).
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. On the Adiabatic and Instantaneous Perturbations of Quantum Oscillator. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 19, 566-574 (1974).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Quantum Dynamics of Systems with Non-Adiabatic Interactions, I. Preprint of the Institute of Physics of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 74/4, Kiev, 1974, 38 p.
- Oleinik V.P. On the Quantum Dynamics of Systems with Non-Adiabatic Interactions, II. Preprint of the Institute of Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 74/14, Kiev, 1974, 37 p.
- Oleinik V.P., Sinyak V.A. Scattering of Intense Electromagnetic Wave on Electron in Homogeneous Magnetic Field. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 69, 94-102 (1975).
- Oleinik V.P., Sinyak V.A. On the Compton Effect in a Strong Electromagnetic Field. Optics Communications, 14, 179-183 (1975).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Quantum Dynamics of Systems with the Non-Stable Vacuum. Inform. Letter № 73, Institute of Semiconductors of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1976, 8 p.
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. On the Electron-Positron Pair Creation in Electric Field. Inform. Letter № 74, Institute of Semiconductors of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1976, 7 p.
- Oleinik V.P., Sinyak V.A. To the Theory of the Tunnel Effect in a Semiconductor in Constant Electric and Magnetic Fields. Phys. Stat. Sol.(b), 86, 319-327 (1978).
- Oleinik V.P. The Influence of Restructuring of the Energy Spectrum of Electron in External Field upon the Character of Quantum Scattering Processes. Quantum Electronics, 15, 88-97 (1978).
- Makhlin A.N., Oleinik V.P. Photon Propagator and Pair Creation in Constant Electric Field. Nuclear Physics, 27, 1651-1667 (1978).
- Abakarov D.I., Sinyak V.A. Oleinik V.P. To the Hamiltonian Theory of Interacting Electromagnetic Field and Extraneous Particle in an Absorptive Dispersive Medium. Intrinsic Semiconductors at High Level Excitations, Shtiintsa, Kishinev, 1978, p.145-163.
- Abakarov D.I., Belousov I.V. Oleinik V.P. Collective Excitations of Electrons and Holes in Intense Electromagnetic Field and Light Absorption in a Semiconductor at Parametric Resonance. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 75, 312-322 (1978).
- Oleinik V.P., Abakarov D.I., Oleinik Vjach.P. Quantum Mechanics of the Damped Harmonic Oscillator and QED in Dispersive Absorptive Media: Application to the Vavilov-Čerenkov Effect. Copenhagen, 1978 (Niels Bohr Inst., Preprint NBI, 78-18).
- Belousov I.V., Oleinik V.P. Restructuring of the Energy Spectrum and Light Absorption in a Semiconductor in an Intense Electromagnetic Field. J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 12, 655-665 (1979).
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Electrodynamics without Using the Principle of the Vacuum State Stability. Nuclear Physics, 29, 1111-1126 (1979).
- Belousov I.V., Oleinik V.P. Modified Schwinger-Dyson Equations in Quantum Electrodynamics without Using the Principle of the Vacuum Stability. Preprint of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 79, IIIР, Kiev, 1979, 20 p.
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. To the Theory of Quantum Processes in a Dispersive Medium Separated from the Vacuum by Plane Boundary. Quantum Electronics, 18, 74-86 (1980).
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. To the Electrodynamics of the Vacuum and Dispersive Media. Ibid, 21, 90-100 (1981).
- Abakarov D.I., Oleinik V.P. To the Electrodynamics of Particles with the Non-Zero Width of Energy Levels. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology: General and Nuclear Physics, 4 (18), 82-83 (1981).
- Arepjev Yu.D., Oleinik V.P. Vacuum Polarization in the Field of a Potential Well under the Action of Electric Field. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology: General and Nuclear Physics, 1 (22), 53-54 (1983).
- Oleinik V.P., Belousov I.V. The Problems of Quantum Electrodynamics of the Vacuum, Dispersive Media and Intense Fields.(Shtiintsa, Kishinev, 1983), 256 p.
- Oleinik V.P. Two Types of Tunnel Transitions, Pair Creation, and the S-Matrix.. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology: General and Nuclear Physics, 1 (22), 51-52 (1983).
- Oleinik V.P. Vacuum Background of Quantized Fields and the Hoking Effect. Reports at the All-Union Conference “Current Theoretical and Experimental Problems in the Relativity and Gravitation Theory”. (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, 1984), p. 248-249.
- Oleinik V.P., Arepjev Yu.D. On the Tunnelling of Electrons out of the Potential Well in an Electric Field. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 17, 1817-1827 (1984).
- Oleinik V.P., Arepjev Yu.D. Tunnel Transitions and Vacuum Polarization in the Potential Well under the Influence of an Electric Field. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 17, 1829-1842 (1984).
- Oleinik V.P. On Vacuum Effects in Quantum Electrodynamics of Intense Field. Coherent States and Phase Transitions in a System of High Density Excitons. (Shtiintsa, Kishinev, 1985), p.164-172.
- Oleinik V.P. Tunnel Transitions, Vacuum Background, and Scattering Processes in Quantum Electrodynamics. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 18, 2611-2626 (1985).
- Belousov I.V., Oleinik V.P. On Quantum Electrodynamics of Open Systems, I. Damped Harmonic Oscillator. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 31, 1445-1450 (1986).
- Belousov I.V., Oleinik V.P. On Quantum Electrodynamics of Open Systems, II. Bounded Dispersive Medium. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 31, 1605-1610 (1986).
- Kruglikov А.V., Oleinik V.P., Tron’ko V.D. The Faraday Effect in Different Inertial Reference Frames. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, А, № 6, 54-58 (1986).
- Oleinik V.P. Vacuum Background of Quantized Fields and Quantum Processes. Quantum Processes in Intense Fields. (Shtiintsa, Kishinev, 1987), p.111-122.
- Oleinik V.P. Gauge-Invariant Formulation of the Electrodynamics of Dielectric Medium. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology: General and Nuclear Physics, 1(41), 59-61 (1988).
- Oleinik V.P. To the Electrodynamics of Dielectric Medium without Using Potentials. Quantum Electronics, 34, 92-100 (1988).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Gauge-Invariant Quantum Electrodynamics of Dielectric Medium. Ibid, 35, 86-98 (1988).
- Oleinik V.P., Arepjev Yu.D. Quantum processes: Probability Fluxes, Transitions Probabilities in Unit Time and Vacuum Vibrations. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 22, 3871-3897 (1989).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Quantum Dynamics of Self-Acting Particles in Electromagnetic Fields. Quantum Electronics, 36, 87-94 (1989).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Role of Self-Energy in the Particle Dynamics in Electromagnetic Field. Ibid, 37, 75-84 (1989).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Dynamics of Charged Quantum Particles with Self-Action. Ibid, 39, 91-99 (1990).
- Oleinik V.P. On the Dynamics and Internal Energy Spectrum of Charged Quantum Particles. Ibid, 40, 75-84 (1991).
- Arepjev Yu.D., Buts A.Yu., Oleinik V.P. To the Problem of Internal Structure of Electrically Charged Particles. Internal Energy Spectra and Charge Distribution of a Free Electron and Hydrogen Atom. Kiev, Institute of Semiconductors of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Preprint №8 - 91, 1991, 36 p.
- Oleinik V.P. On the Internal Structure of Electrically Charged Particles Created by Their Own Coulomb Field. Quantum Electronics, 42, 68-75 (1992).
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Electrodynamics Describing the Internal Structure of Electron. Ibid, 44, 51-59 (1993).
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Electrodynamics Describing the Internal Structure of Electron. Gauge-Independent and Covariant Theory. Leipzig, Univеrsitдt Leipzig, NTZ, Preprint - Nr 7/1992, 30p.
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Electrodynamics Describing the Internal Structure of Electron. Energy Relations and Second Quantization. Kiev, KPI, Preprint № 1 - 92, 1992, 40p.
- Oleinik V.P., Ran Yangqiang, Godenko L.P. Self-Acting Electron in External Field. Kiev, Preprint № 2 - 93, 1993, 31p.
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Theory of Self-Organizing Electrically Charged Matter. Solutions of the Fundamental Equation of Motion. Kiev, KPI, Preprint № 3 - 93, 1993, 66p.
- Oleinik V.P., Arepjev Yu.D., Ran Yangqiang, Godenko L.P. On Quantum Dynamics of the Self-Acting Electron. Kiev, KPI, Preprint № 4-93, 1993, 44p.
- Oleinik V.P. To the Theory of Internal Structure of Electron. Second Quantization and Energy Relationships. Quantum Electronics, 45, 1993, 57-79 (1993).
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Dynamics of Self-Acting Electron. Ibid, 47, 71-96 (1994).
- Oleinik V.P. Nonlinear Quantum Dynamical Equation for the Self-Acting Electron. J. Nonlinear Math.Phys., 4, № 1-2, 180-189 (1997).
- Oleinik V.P. The Problem of Electron: The Self-Field and Instantaneous Transfer of Information. Fundamentals of the Energy-Informational Interactions in Nature and Society. Proceedings of the International Congress “InterENIE-97”, under General Edition by Khantseverov F.R. (IAES, Moscow, 1997), p. 44-46.
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Theory of Self-Organizing Electrically Charged Particles. Soliton Model of Electron. Proceedings of the NATO-ASI “Electron Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics. 100 Years Later.”( N.-Y., London, Washington, D.C., Boston: Plenum Press, 1997), p. 261-278.
- Oleinik V.P. Superluminal Transfer of Information in Electrodynamics. SPIE Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics, 3890, 321-328. (1998) ( /).
- Oleinik V.P. Physical Effects Caused by Superluminal Transfer of Information. Ibid., 329-336, (1998).
- Oleinik V.P. Superluminal Signals, Dynamical Inhomogeneity of Time, and the Principle of Self-Organization (Anomalous Effects with Physicist’s Eyes). International Conference “Consciousness and Physical Reality”, Moscow, 16-18 April 1999, Parapsychology and Psychophysics, 27(1), 12-14 (1999).
- Oleinik V.P. Faster-than-Light Transfer of a Signal in Electrodynamics. Instantaneous Action-at-a-Distance in Modern Physics (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1999), p.261-281.
- Oleinik V.P. The Newest Development of Quantum Electrodynamics: Self-Organizing Electron, Superluminal Signals, and Dynamical Inhomogeneity of Time. Physical Vacuum and Nature, 4, 3-17 (2000).
- Oleinik V.P. Quantum Equation for the Self-Organizing Electron. Photon and Poincare Group (Nova Science Publishers, New York, Inc., 1999), p.188-200.
- Oleinik V.P., Borimsky Yu.C., Arepjev Yu.D. Time, What is it? Dynamical Properties of Time. Physical Vacuum and Nature, 5, 65-82 (2000);
- Oleinik V.P., Borimsky Yu.C., Arepjev Yu.D. New Ideas in Electrodynamics: Physical Properties of Time. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 3, №4, 558-565, 2000;
- Borimsky Yu.C., Oleinik V.P. The Course of Time in Classical and Quantum Systems and Dynamical Principle. Physical Vacuum and Nature, 6 (2001).
- Oleinik V.P. The Problem of Electron and Superluminal Signals. (Contemporary Fundamental Physics) (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Huntington, New York, 2001), 229 p.
- Oleinik V.P. Superluminal Signals, Physical Properties of Time and the Principle of Self-Organization. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 1, 68-76, (2001).
- Oleinik V.P. The Change of the Course of Time in a Force Field and Imponderability. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 2, 20-37, (2001).
- Oleinik V.P. The Problem of Time: Force as the Cause of Change in the Course of Time. New Energy Technologies, (2002) (in print).
- Oleinik V.P. The Problem of Electron and Physical Properties of Time: To the Electron Technologies of the 21st Century. New Energy Technologies, (2002) (in print).