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3rd Anniversary of Global Mind Share
Новость: 3rd Anniversary of Global Mind Share [размещено на сайте 05.02.2016]

3rd Anniversary of Global Mind Share

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Dear сolleagues,

Three years ago on January 22, 2013, Global Mind Share went online, and each of Global Thinkers got a possibility to formulate global problems those each of you consider as the most important for our mankind in current period of the world history. During these three years, we had 2,942 visitors from 122 countries from all continents, and 158 global problems already submitted. Site statistics shows that majority of you, our friends, are young people (61% younger than 35 and only 5.5% older 65). You did not only submit your problems but also wrote comments to this or that submitted problem and liked or disliked them.

Thanks everybody who participate in our project! You probably know that we moderate submitted problems to eliminate possible racial, violent, extremists, fascist and other politically incorrect or just obviously meaningless inputs. However, only one of your inputs was eliminated so far. All the other global problems those you, our dear friends, submitted during all these years passed the moderation without any complications. Thank you for your serious and responsible participation in our project!

We look forward into the future with cautious optimism and are going to start the second phase of the project - to reveal the most important and severe of the submitted global problems. After this, we will begin to discuss these problems looking for optimal solutions of each of them. We are negotiating with The Infinity Project to elaborate principles of using this platform in such activity.

Starting our new year, we hope for your cooperation, for your new inputs, for your support, and for your promotion our common efforts.

Together we will do it!


Gary Sorrell, Chairman of Board of Directors and CFO of Global Mind Share

George Mikhailovsky, President and CEO of Global Mind Share

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