Publications containing a comprehensive presentation of the
fundamentals of the approach developed
in English:
- A.P. Levich, "Motivations and problems in the studies of time". in: "Constructions of Time in Natural Science: On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon''. Part 1. Interdisciplinary Studies. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1996, pp. 1-15.
- A.P. Levich, "Time as variability of natural systems: methods of quantitative description of changes and creation of changes by substantial flows. in: "Constructions of Time in Natural Science: On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon". Part 1. Interdisciplinary studies. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1996, pp. 149-192.
- A.P. Levich, Generating Flows and a Substitutional Model of Space-Time // Gravitation and Cosmology. 1995. V.1. №3. Pp.237-242.
- A.P. Levich, The birth of paradigm of an open World generated by "time".
- A. P. Levich. What we expect from studying time
- A. P. Levich. A search for equations of motion as a task of temporology
- A. P. Levich. Paradigms of natural science and substantial temporology
in Russian:
- A.P. Levich, "Sets Theory, the Language of Category Theory and Their Application in Theoretical Biology''. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1982, 180 pp.
- A.P. Levich, "Time: Substance or Relation? Abandoning the Conceptions Contraposition''. Filosofskie Issledovaniya, 1998, No. 1, 9-21.
- A.P. Levich, "Natural references of the "course" of time: formation as a change in the amount of a substance''. In: "Philosophy of Science'', 6th issue, IF RAN Publishers, Moscow, 2000, pp. 48-53.
- A.P. Levich, "Scientific comprehension of time'', Voprosy filosofii, 1992, No. 4, 117-126.
- A.P. Levich, "Substitutional time of natural systems'', Voprosy filosofii, 1996, No. 1, 57-69.
- A.P. Levich, "Time in the existence of natural systems". In: "System Analysis on the Eve of the XXI Century'', Intellekt, Moscow, 1997, pp. 38-57.
- A.P. Levich, "Metabolic time of natural systems'', In: "System Studies'' Annual, 1988. Nauka, Moscow, 1989. pp. 304-325.
- A.P. Levich, "Natural references of the "course" of time and creation of the paradigm of a "time"-generated open World", MOST, 2000, No. 34, pp. 33-35; No. 35, pp. 33-34.
- A.P. Levich, Basic problems of "Theoretical Biology" by E. Bauer: a search for a theory of generalized motion and sources of the non-equilibrium nature of living matter. // In: Erwin Bauer and Theoretical Biology, Pushchino, 1993, pp.91-101.
- A.P. Levich, "Entropy as a measure of structuredness of complex systems". // Filosofskie Issledovaniya, 2001, No. 1, 59-72. Proceedings of seminar " Time, chaos and mathematical problems ". V. 2. 2000. M.: Institute of mathematical researches of complex systems. Pp. 163-176.
- A.P. Levich, Entropical parametrization of time in the general theory of systems // The bulletin of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund, 2002.