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An experiment to check the law of gravity in the solar system
Ефремов А.П. (Yefremov A.P.) An experiment to check the law of gravity in the solar system // Metaphysica. 2020. 7 p.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

An experiment to check the law of gravity in the solar system
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Ultra-sensitivity of a planet’s gravity assist to changes of the test-body impact pa-rameter prompts a space experiment testing the nature of gravitational field in the Solar system. The Sun, Earth and Venus serve as the space lab with a primitive space probe (spaceball) as a test body moving on a ballistic trajectory from the Earth to Venus (rendering GA) and backwards to the Earth’s orbit. We explain why in Newton and Einstein gravity, the probe’s final positions (reached at the same time) may differ greatly; an Earth’s observer can measure the gap.

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