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Anomalous Behavior of Ultra-Relativistic Particles – a Phenomenon That Can Confirm the Discreteness of Time
Заславский А.М. (Zaslavsky A.M.) Anomalous Behavior of Ultra-Relativistic Particles – a Phenomenon That Can Confirm the Discreteness of Time // American Journal of Modern Physics 2015; 4(2-1): 34-40

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель, Физика, Дискретность и непрерывность времени

Anomalous Behavior of Ultra-Relativistic Particles – a Phenomenon That Can Confirm the Discreteness of Time
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The paper analyses physical phenomenon which can give evidence of discreteness of time. The phenomenon is substitution of wave function of ultrarelativistic particle in terms of certain (hyper-ultrarelativistic) values of its space motion velocity. Discreteness of time is necessary criterion for such a substitution. The paper has developed mathematical description for particle energy (frequency) anomalous dependence on its velocity in the context of frequency substitution resulting from discreteness of time. Moreover, there have been obtained estimations of maximum energy of a particle of the given mass, maximum particle mass as well as a value of its own time quantum.

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