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Advanced response of the Baikal macroscopic nonlocal correlation detector to solar activity
Сердюк В.О. (Serdyuk V.O.), Буднев Н.М. (Budnev N.M.), Коротаев С.М. (Korotaev S.M.) Advanced response of the Baikal macroscopic nonlocal correlation detector to solar activity // Journal of Physics: Conference series. 2017. V. 918. P. 012003.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Advanced response of the Baikal macroscopic nonlocal correlation detector to solar activity
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The long-term Baikal Deep-Sea Experiment on study of macroscopic entanglement and advanced response of nonlocal correlation detectors to natural random dissipative processes is conducting. There are both advanced and retarded nonlocal correlations, which correspond to the same direction of causality. However, time reversal causality prevails over usual time respecting one. It is the most prominent property of macroscopic entanglement and manifestation of quantum principle of weak causality. In particular, there is an advanced response to the random component of solar activity, which can be used for the forecast of this component.

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