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Low-field memory and negative magnetization in semiconductors and polymers
Булыженков И.Э. (Bulyzhenkov I.E.), Lamarche A.M., Lamarche G. Low-field memory and negative magnetization in semiconductors and polymers // Physical Review B. 2005. 72(15): 155203. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.155203

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Low-field memory and negative magnetization in semiconductors and polymers
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Ginzburg-Landau bulk magnetization of itinerant electrons can provide a negative effective field in the Weiss model by coupling to localized magnetic moments. The coupling enforces remnant magnetization, which can be negative or positive depending on the sample magnetic history. Stable magnetic susceptibility of coupled nonequilibrium subsystems with magnetization reversal is always positive. Gauss-scale fields could be expected for switching between negative and positive remnant moments in semiconductors with coupling at ambient temperatures. Negative magnetization in ultrahigh conducting polymers is also discussed within the developed framework.

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