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Normal current, heat and entropy in superconductors
Булыженков И.Э. (Bulyzhenkov I.E.) Normal current, heat and entropy in superconductors // Solid state communications. 1993. 88(1): 71-74. doi: 10.1016/0038-1098(93)90772-F

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Normal current, heat and entropy in superconductors
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Electric fields and the Joule heat decrease continuously and rapidly below the critical temperature within a superconductor, but present, in principle, at any temperatures at the current states. The new kind of heat from electrostatic energy is released in superconductors by both pairing and depairing of free carriers. The convective thermoconductivity with a partieipance of the Cooper pairs leads only to the thermal energy redistribution and cannot change the total entropy of the superconductor.

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