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Pure field electrodynamics of continuous complex charges. Tutorial for the 4th year course "Nonlinear Electrodynamics"
Булыженков И.Э. (Bulyzhenkov I.E.) Pure field electrodynamics of continuous complex charges. Tutorial for the 4th year course "Nonlinear Electrodynamics" // M.: MIPT. 2015. 77 p. 978-5-7417-0554-4

Категории: Авторский указатель
Pure field electrodynamics of continuous complex charges. Tutorial for the 4th year course

Pure field electrodynamics of continuous complex charges. Tutorial for the 4th year course "Nonlinear Electrodynamics"
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Continuous radial charges verses point ones have been successfully taught by the author at undergraduate courses: University of Ottawa (2005-2008, PHY 2323 - Electricity and Magnetism; PHY 4346 - General Relativity), Carleton University (2007-2008, PHYS 3701 - Elements of Quantum Mechanics), and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (2009-2015, FGAP Quantum Physics Problems, Nonlinear Electrodynamics). Coulomb energy divergence in traditional “point particle + field” physics has been always challenging students. MIPT and many other top universities enroll graduate students in courses taught at the leading laboratories where the cutting edge science of currently unresolved problems is explored. Suggested learning through brainstorming of continuous charges instead of customary localized carriers of mass and electricity can open a new vision of the nonlocal material world, which is invisible to superficial human perception. Well-established Euclidean electrodynamics and Sommerfeld relativistic quantization together require us to turn our attention back to the nonempty space plenum of the Ancient Greeks. Modern researchers should re­ject the conventional paradigm of curved empty space, which does not exist in physical reality. Contemporary empty space physics is overloaded with contro­versial energy problems, sophisticated metric constructions and unphysical sin­gularities. By accustoming nonempty space and continuous charges under this tutorial (which tends to resolve radiation self-acceleration, Coulomb energy divergence and many other failures of Classical Electrodynamics), a reader on his own may renew the Einstein mass-energy formula by electric terms, may relate the physical meaning of the Ricci scalar of material metric space to its scalar mass density, etc. Nonempty space Euclidean electrodynamics is a prerequisite to new interpretations in General Relativity and to a better reading of the Ein­stein Equation, where conventional point masses at the Equation right-hand side should be moved to the pure field (left-hand) side as continuous Ricci curvatures.

  1. Introductory Lecture 1: Invisible matter from the An­cient Greeks, Russian cosmism philosophers and Ein­stein’s directives toward pure fields physics – / 6 /
    1. Is any logic in nonlocality? – / 6 /
    2. Metaphysics questions should be addressed to ourselves – / 7 /
    3. Material space plenum of the Ancient Greeks – / 8 /
    4. From philosophy to physics – / 9 /
    5. From physics of extended charges to proper mathe­matics of nonempty space – / 12 /
    6. Toward better science of the nonlocal and indivisible Universe – / 14 /
    7. Statements for class discussions – / 15 /
  2. LECTURES 2-3: Radial electrons as non-dual field solutions – / 17 /
    1. Continuous electron in the Poisson equation – / 17 /
    2. Maxwell equations as local energy identities in nondual physics – / 22 /
    3. Statements for class discussions – / 25 /
    4. Sample of exam problems – / 25 /
    5. Underlines – / 26 /
  3. LECTURE 4-5: Maxwell equations – equalities can define and describe the elementary transverse wave with spirality and the longitudinal wave excitation of radial matter – / 28 /
    1. General criteria for elementary objects – / 28 /
    2. Spirality of the elementary Maxwell wave – / 29 /
    3. Longitudinal inward, outward, and standing waves in nonempty space of the continuous electron – / 31 /
    4. Underlines – / 33 /
  4. LECTURES 6-7: 1912-1913 Mie theory of matter - Maxwell equations should have power to define and describe the elementary charge – / 34 /
    1. The Poisson equation defines the elementary charge distribution – / 34 /
    2. Post Coulomb potential generates finite energies of radial fields – / 37 /
    3. All charges have the universal self-potential and finite self-energies – / 38 /
    4. Unlike electric densities cannot be real functions – / 40 /
    5. Underlines – / 43 /
  5. LECTURE 8: Imaginary and real densities of continuous charges in joint material space – / 45 /
    1. Complex densities of electric charges – / 45 /
    2. Dark energy reservoir of bipolar formations – / 48 /
    3. Spatial imbalance of the imaginary charge with its radial potential cannot generate mass – / 49 /
    4. Spherical symmetry violation within elementary imagine densities can generate their real mass – / 51 /
    5. Statements for class discussions – / 53 /
    6. Sample of exam problems – / 54 /
    7. Underlines – / 55 /
  6. LECTURES 9-10: Only Euclidean electrodynamics complies with relativistic Sommerfeld quantization – / 57 /
    1. Canonical four-momentum of charged energy carriers – / 57 /
    2. Induced EM fields within rotating superconductors – / 59 /
    3. Relativistic Sommerfeld quantization in 4D geometry of curved space-time – / 61 /
    4. No physical grounds for SQUID accelerometers – / 62 /
    5. Underlines – / 63 /
  7. LECTURE 11: Charge scale verses fundamental electric orbit – / 65 /
    1. Canonical momentum density – / 65 /
    2. Proper magnetic flux is quantized together with ex­ternal one – / 67 /
    3. New combinations of old fundamental constants – / 68 /
    4. Underlines – / 71 /
  8. LECTURES 12-14: Densities of electron’s continuum in gravitational and electromagnetic fields – / 72 /
    1. Ricci curvatures for continuous mass-energies – / 72 /
    2. Geodesic equations for continuous mass-energies – / 75 /
    3. Motion of electrically charged densities in nonempty space – / 76 /
    4. No self-acceleration due to electromagnetic radiation – / 79 /
    5. Underlines – / 82 /

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