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Thermal Energy of Confined Gravitons can Vary Cold Geodesic Curves
Булыженков И.Э. (Bulyzhenkov I.E.) Thermal Energy of Confined Gravitons can Vary Cold Geodesic Curves // Journal of Physical Science and Application. 2014. 4(7): 468-474.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Thermal Energy of Confined Gravitons can Vary Cold Geodesic Curves
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Internal energy of real warm bodies can change their kinetic-potential energy balance on Keplerian orbits and relativistic geodesic. Chiral nature of the mass results in chirality of gravitons and their energy confinement within the constant energy charge of a moving thermodynamical body. Zero energy-momentum gravitons provide dissipative self-heating and spiral fall of massive stars on gravitating centers. Computed self-heating of the pulsar PSR B1913+16 quantitatively describes its period decay without an outward emission of metric waves in question. Deviation of warm bodies from geodesic trajectories of cold point matter complies with Einstein's directives toward pure field physics of material space plenum without metric singularities.

Key words: Zero particles, chiral graviton, self-heating, thermal time evolution.

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