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Gravitational attraction until relativistic equipartition of internal and translational kinetic energies
Булыженков И.Э. (Bulyzhenkov I.E.) Gravitational attraction until relativistic equipartition of internal and translational kinetic energies // Astrophysics and Space Science. 2018. 363(2): 1-7. doi: 10.1007/s10509-018-3257-6

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Gravitational attraction until relativistic equipartition of internal and translational kinetic energies
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Translational ordering of the internal kinematic chaos provides the Special Relativity referents for the geodesic motion of warm thermodynamical bodies. Taking identical mathematics, relativistic physics of the low speed transport of time-varying heat-energies differs from Newton's physics of steady masses without internal degrees of freedom. General Relativity predicts geodesic changes of the internal heat-energy variable under the free gravitational fall and the geodesic turn in the radial field center. Internal heat variations enable cyclic dynamics of decelerated falls and accelerated takeoffs of inertial matter and its structural self-organization. The coordinate speed of the ordered spatial motion takes maximum under the equipartition of relativistic internal and translational kinetic energies. Observable predictions are discussed for verification/falsification of the principle of equipartition as a new basic for the ordered motion and self-organization in external fields, including gravitational, electromagnetic, and thermal ones.

Keywords: Internal energy variable; GR principle of equipartition; Equilibrium proximity; Decelerated fall; Accelerated takeoff; Thermal propulsion

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