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"Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Introduction
Савченко А.М. (Savchenko A.M.) "Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Introduction // 2015. 9 p.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

"Hidden" thermodynamics – rational approach to known facts. Introduction
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Introduction to all 3 parts

Almost all natural processes are described by the laws of thermodynamics – the first (the law of energy conservation) or the second, determining the direction of physicalchemical processes.

The first law of thermodynamics is pretty clear, but it is not properly understood all the time. Sometimes the fact that there are no ideal isolated systems is ignored.

Sometimes the energy disappears when in the description of wave annihilation in a counterphase.

Many physics textbook note – in interference and diffraction, waves, if shifted by 180 degrees, damp each other and energy disappears.

I have mentioned this in an article [1].

As an additional example, fig.1 depicts wave interference pattern generated by the source when reflected. According to a common physics approach,

there are no oscillations to the right from the source in a narrow strip, and, therefore, energy.

And it is not correct as energy can't disappear, it only transforms from one form (state) to another (currently unknown).

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